Witness the progress of sexy and realistic sex dolls together

[block id=”blogads”] Posted on February 17, 2022 Witness the progress of sexy and realistic sex dolls together We can thank 17th century Dutch sailors for inventing the first personality true love doll. These people are often alone on long journeys, without physical appreciation, but take them with them for their sexual needs. The predecessors of …

How to choose a fashionable adult silicone doll correctly?

[block id=”blogads”] Posted on May 9, 2022 How to choose a fashionable adult silicone doll correctly? That’s why we work directly with the best manufacturers to ensure our real sex doll have the highest quality. We inspect every doll we receive to make sure it passes our quality control. We also advise clients on care …

A beautiful TPE sexy girl real emotional creature sex doll is the best sex partner

[block id=”blogads”] Posted on September 2, 2022 A beautiful TPE sexy girl real emotional creature sex doll is the best sex partner People have learned to enjoy or use premium silicone sex dolls. These realistic female replicas have an incredible ability to simulate the size and feel of a human.when you receive a new sex …

Emotional creatures that can replace real women – realistic latex love dolls

[block id=”blogads”] Posted on May 8, 2022 Emotional creatures that can replace real women – realistic latex love dolls Don’t you have the emotional energy to maintain a meaningful relationship?Not the biggest kiss on a date, awkward conversations and the emotional burden of dating, prefer a quiet home with hot high end real sex doll? …

New trend – high-end sex dolls that keep pace with the times

[block id=”blogads”] Posted on September 26, 2022 New trend – high-end sex dolls that keep pace with the times The developing sexy sex doll company aims to provide sexual partners that replace or supplement human sexuality, and is constantly improving and perfecting the functions of real silicone dolls to break new fields of work. According …

Disabled people can use sex dolls to maintain intimacy

[block id=”blogads”] Posted on November 5, 2022 Disabled people can use sex dolls to maintain intimacy Did you know that a portion of the world’s population represents persons with disabilities? Although there are considerable numbers of people with disabilities in developing countries, and women have higher rates of disability than men, disability only makes you …

How much does a sex doll weigh

[block id=”blogads”] Life-size sex dolls (also known as full-size dolls) average 66 lbs/30 kg and above sex dolls for sale . These will be difficult to carry around. Unless you’re strong and don’t mind the weight, you should really reconsider one of the smaller dolls. Our doll community, Asian sex dolls, ​​European sex dolls,​​​​small sex …